Pizza Delivery App
Papa John's on-demand pizza delivery application allows various Papa John's franchises to deliver food at their customer's doorstep. It is an excellent app for drivers who wants to earn extra cash with their routine work. This app lets users register as a delivery boy, update their profile, see a current location and nearby stores, and order details. Using this app, drivers can also track the history of their delivered orders. This unique app enables drivers to view their job report details and let them change their service state.

Client Requirements
Our client is the president of New York-based, Papa John's franchise group. There are several Papa John's restaurants in New York City. He wanted to develop a more effective way to make food deliveries easier for each franchise. In this app, he wanted some features which enable stores to track drivers by GPS and make the system more productive. He searched for the best mobile app development company to develop an app like Uber and found Hyperlink InfoSystem through a blog. He contacted us with his requirements, and we made a superior application that helps delivery boys to earn additional income.

From Inception to Success - Watch the Whole Story!
Hyperlink InfoSystem created the Driver app and Admin side, as per the client's requirements.
Driver App Features
Login/ Sign up
This app allows drivers to register as a delivery boy with their required details. Once the moderator confirms their registration, they can log in any time with their personal credentials.
Accept Ride
This feature allows the driver can accept or reject the ride from a list of requested rides.
View Participating Store in a Range
A driver can view nearby participating stores in this app through a map. That helps a user to locate the store in minimum time easily.
Update Profile
Users can update their profile details anytime. They can also delete their profile.
Pick up order at nearby restaurant
A driver can pick up the order from the list of orders in nearby restaurants requested by a moderator.
Complete Order
Once a driver delivers the food, he/she can update the order status to Complete Order.
View Order
Moderators are allowed to view order details through this feature. It helps them to manage all orders according to their details and location.
Track Driver and Order
Moderators can track driver and order through this feature. It helps them to track free drivers or drivers with two or fewer orders.
View Driver Details
With this feature's help, a moderator can access the driver's full profile details, real-time order list, and history of completed orders.
Admin Panel
Send push notifications on new order
In on-demand apps, a push notification feature is necessary. Admin will send push notification regarding new orders to the registered drivers.
Track Order store to delivery destination
Admin can track orders from the store to a delivery location with the help of a map.
Super Admin
Create Moderator
Super admin can create different location-wise moderators, and the moderator will manage every order in the app.
View driver, order & store details
Super Admin is allowed to view all details stored on an application, such as driver's profile detail, order details, and history or delivered orders as well as participating store details.
Store Manager
Create Order
A store manager can create an order with full details in an app and submit to a moderator for delivery.
Track Order
A store manager can also track order status.
Set Order Status: Ready or On Way
The store Manager can set and update the food order status to Ready or On Way.
Confirm Pickup Order
The store manager verifies pickup order status once a driver picks up the food for delivery.
Create Store and Driver
Moderators can create stores and drivers requested by users.
Manage Driver
Moderators can view the driver's full details and assign them a job. This feature allows moderators to view the status of a current list of orders drivers working on, which helps them delegate a job to drivers hasslefree.
Track Orders
With this feature, a moderator can track order details and delivery status.
Make Driver Attendance List
Moderators can create a driver's attendance list and update all details in it.
Set Time Duration
Moderators can set the expected time duration for every food order from order pick up to order delivery.
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1. To Display Multiple Orders In A Map
In this app, multiple stores add various orders each day, and it is necessary to display each order on a map. To show each order on a map was a little bit tough because of different directions. Our developers did proper research to weather this challenge and implement Google API in a map code.
2. Calculate Total Time Estimation
In the admin side, the client required a system that estimates hours to deliver each order. This system must calculate time from making food to deliver at the customer's doorstep. Our developers implement Google API in a developed system that successfully calculates the exact estimated time.
Technology Stacks
We have used the latest technologies that can justify client requirements at the best to deliver bug-free solutions.