Client Requirement
Generally, there are many applications available in app store for kids but, there is no such app till now in the market that let kids boost their confidence and inner abilities. Forecasting the future capabilities, a client from the USA approached Hyperlink Infosystem to develop an interface that allow kids to interact with the world and boost their self-esteem. The main aim of the client is to develop a system that helps children to boost up their self-confidence by trading their art and craft creation from the home itself. The “Jincky�? app is available in both Android and iOS platforms.
Features For Jincky Users
- 1 Login With Two Options: Simple Login And Facebook Login.
- 2 Shows All Friends Post In Newsfeed.
- 3 Shows All Community Posts In Newsfeed.
- 4 Search Facility For Searching A Post In Entire App.
- 5 The User Can Like And View A List Of Comments And Can Write Comments.
- 6 Sharing App Details On Various Social Media Platforms Like Twitter, Whatsapp Etc.
- 7 . The User Can Add/Edit Item Details To Post In The News Feed As Well To Share It On Facebook.

- 8 Payment Option For Purchasing Subscription.
- 9 Users Can View Trade History.
- 10 Chatting Facility.
- 11 Management Of Sub Child Accounts.
- 12 Changing Trade Item Status Like Sold Or Exchanged To Discard Post From List.
- 13 Notification List Of Liked And Commented Trade Items.
- 14 The User Can Join A Nearby Community Based On Their Location.
- 15 Users Can Create Their Own Groups For Trading.
Jincky – Admin And Moderator

- 1 Manage User Profile Details
- 2 Manage Parent And Child Account Details
- 3 Manage Arts And Craft Details.
- 4 Notification Management
The moderator can manage below activities:- 1 Items
- 2 Communities
- 3 Events
- 4 Photos
1. Dynamic Subscription Management
Generally, in every application, user navigation is not restricted. They can browse entire application but here the concept is bit different. The major challenge faced here is to manage user navigation as per their subscription plan. Our development team managed this scenario efficiently with dynamic application navigation based on the user subscription. It means corresponding to the selected plan, app activities will be accessed by user and rest will be locked. Entire app access is dynamically managed by our development team.
2. Art And Craft Management
In the Jincky app, managing the trade items(items in form of arts and crafts developed by kids) is such a tedious and hard job. There was a scenario where the same item was opted to donate as well as for trade. Our development team managed this scenario very rationally. They developed a coding algorithm that will straightaway delete the item that given away to someone else and is still listed in traded item list.
3. Managing Staggered View
Showcasing users' trade item list in staggered view was the biggest complication our developers might have faced in entire Jincky app development. This complication was smartly managed by our development team. Extracting dynamic height and width of an image along with the implementation of staggered view library in Android and Collection view in iOS, the entire UI was developed and managed.