People from all over the world want to party with whom just haven’t met them yet. Then the Block party is the best option for them. Block party is a social app that connects party people to the party host. With a rating and review system to ensure quality. Hosts can customize the party and choose whom they want to invite. Users can chat, post pics and videos, make friends, and much more. Rate and review will be possible for invited and hosted people after the party is completed. All in one, it is the perfect mixture of a modern necessity for enjoyment and socialization.

Client Requirements
Well, there are numerous social apps available in the app store. Our client has decided to make a party finding app after realizing there was a void in the party world! Hence, a client's app idea is to make something different through a social app where people can have fun in their free time with new people by attending & arranging parties. To unite everyone on a single platform for the party, our client approached Hyperlink InfoSystem to turn this idea into reality.
Colors & Typography
Working On the Idea
At Hyperlink InfoSystem, we carried out an extensive requirement gathering point to understand its scope and how our expertise can improve and refine the existing idea. The idea of the Block Party app was not just to create the party app but also to create a reliable, efficient platform and works with a few taps. We are communicating with the client during the development period to build the solution exactly as the client required. We developed a Block Party app where people can organize/attend parties, make new friends, etc. This application is developed for Android and iOS platforms and available in the English Language.


- Users can log in with username and password or log in with Facebook or Google.
- User can sign up by filling personal details or use Facebook or Google for registration.
Registration has two types Personal and Business
Personal User - can post only parties.
Business User - can post only events.
Forgot Password
- Users can recover the password through email id.
Find Party
- Users can find nearby parties, also they can filter it by radios.
Join Party
- Users can request to join the party, and he/she can post images and videos during the party.
- Users can communicate with other users using this functionality to send messages to other users in text, video, voice, and image.
Post Party
- Users can create their own party or event by filling all the information regarding the party.

- Users can view his/her profile details.
- Users can view liked parties by him/her self.
- Users can view feed added by him/her self.
- User can view his/her parties/event and joined parties.
- Users can view friend request and friend list. Also, they can accept or reject request, unfriend, block or report user. They can search for a new friend as well.
- Users can edit profile details, view blocked users, nearby event(only personal type user).
Admin Panel Features
User Management:
- View, edit, and delete users' details
- Active/Inactive Users
- Search by name, email, mobile, status
Club Request Management
- View Club Details
- Approve/Reject Club Requests
Feed Management
- View Feeds
Contact us Management
- View and Reply Users
CMS Page Management
- Add/Edit Page Content

Maintain Quality Of Images & Video At Upload Time
Integrating the functionality of uploading and sharing images/video to Block Party is not that hard. Still, the actual challenge is to allow users to upload a video with less memory with high quality. But with research and analysis, this functionality is successfully implemented by compressing videos and images to the standard format. And this way, our developers maintained the photo and video quality across multiple devices.

Android OS Support: Android 5.0 to 8.0
Development: Java using Android Studio
iOS OS Support: iOS 9.0 to 11.0
Development: Swift using Xcode
Technology: PHP, Node.js Framework
Database: MySQL
API: REST API in JSON format