Let Others Know Who You Are..!!
AcreView is an exceptional chatting app that allows you to search and join new friends within a range of 150 km. This app will enable you to chat and follows your neighbors. The most exciting part of an app is that it serves as a virtual business platform for conferences, tradeshows, or any social events to grow your professional skills and personal network. AcreView is available on Android and iOS both platforms. So, experience the awesome social plus professional app.
Client Requirement
Our client from Canada approached Hyperlink Infosystem to develop an Android and iOS app that allows users to interact and chat with nearby people. The client needed an application that would enable people to create an event, conference, or social get-togethers. And the app also serves as the best business platform for its users, where they can arrange their personal and professional events or conferences and explore their network on a large scale. As per our client's requirements, we developed the most fantastic app that allows people to enjoy the combo of social and professional life.
- Registration/ Login
- View nearby user's information
- Swipe to the right to add nearby people to your friend list
- Swipe left to remove users from the friend list
- Chat with neighbors right away
- Chat with your friends anytime, anywhere.
- Search friends by their first name
- Block user to stop messages from the unwanted contact.
- Option to report abuse
- Neighbours can change
- friends will stay
- User can view event details
- (Name, agenda, venue, schedule, or other attendees)
- User can accept or decline event request
- Can view 3 event listing:
- - Nearby Events
- - Events Attending
- - Event Invited
Event Planner
- Event Planning
- - Create/Update Event
- - Register events with name, description, venue and other details
- Invitation for Friends & Neighbours to Join Event
- Users can view multiple events they created.
Admin Panel
- Manage User
- - Create and update users
- Manage Event
- - Register and upadte event
- View Invited & confirmed Event list
Nearby User Management
AcreView app has excellent functionality that once users started to chat with their neighbors, they will automatically become friends. But to manage nearby users in the Neighbours list located in 25-50 meters around your location is a little bit tough. The numbers of nearby users will appear in the Neighbours listing section, and once they go out of the range, they will automatically disappear from the list. After a team discussion, we developed a successful app that serves the best service to users.
Page Listing of Friends
In the friend's section of the application, our client wanted to display 3 listings, as we mention below. In the first list, friends who are located in nearby locations will display. In second, it shows the list of Neighbours or friends who chat with the user in the past. And a list of blocked neighbors/friends will display in the last section. Our developers did some hard work to manage these listings and applied appropriate solutions to develop a fantastic user-friendly app.
Multiple image uploading
As per our client's requirement, a user can send multiple images simultaneously to the person in the chat section. Our developers encountered the issue of image duplication for separate devices like iOS or Android. So, our developers applied some logic to avoid image duplication and deliver the perfect app that satisfies our client's needs.
Android, iOS, and Website Development
Android OS support:
4.3 to 6.0
Java using Android Studio 2.1.5
Android Supported Devices:
480x800, 720x1280, 1080x1920, 1440x2560
iOS OS support:
iOS 8.0 to 9.3
Objective-C using Xcode
iOS Supported Devices:
5, 5S,6 6S, 6 Plus, 6S Plus
API: JSON format
Supported Browser:
Mozilla Firefox : Min 40.0 to Max 46.0 version
Google Chrome : Min 44.0 to Max 51.0 version
Internet Explorer : Min 10.0 to Max 11.0 version